Harry Schaumans Stiftelse

Harry Schaumans Stiftelse (HSS) was founded in 1933 thanks to a will made by businessman Harry Schauman, who was dedicated to developing our society for the better. In 90 years, the foundation has become a significant community builder in Vaasa, Ostrobothnia, and the Swedish-speaking community in Finland.


Gross assets of the foundation is 80 EUR million, consisting of securities and real estate.


Each year, around €1 million is awarded to science and culture.


70% of the dividend goes to the Svensk-Österbottniska Samfundet.

HSS’s purpose is to administer and develop the legacy of Harry Schauman. The mission is not only to take care of the financial capital left behind by Schauman, but also to see culture and education as prerequisites for a vibrant society – especially when it comes to linguistic minorities.

The foundation supports science, culture, and education in Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnia. Harry Schauman clearly defined the mission both linguistically and geographically, guiding the foundation’s dividend policy.

Education and culture

HSS places particular emphasis on higher education. We have launched important Swedish-language and bilingual initiatives in Ostrobothnia, such as the legal studies organised by the University of Helsinki in Vaasa as well as the professorship in energy technology at Åbo Akademi in Vaasa.

HSS is the Ostrobothnian link in the Finnish-Swedish foundation network. We cooperate actively with other foundations and funds.


Over the years, the foundation’s capital has been invested mainly in real estate, which continues to be the largest component of our investment portfolio. At the end of the 20th century, we invested in newspaper companies. In the 2000s, HSS has also systematically invested in securities, and we now have a growing portfolio. The gross assets currently amount to €80 million.

Active developer

We are a large private property owner in the center of Vaasa and an active developer of the cityscape. HSS has, for example, been a driving force in the development of Toriparkki and the pedestrian street concept. In addition, we created the Espen shopping center, which has been of great importance for the vitality of Vaasa city center. Our foundation is also a reliable landlord for 140 private tenants and about 20 companies or institutions.